If you've been struggling to drop belly fat, you may be wondering how many carbs, proteins and fats you should be eating. Is it better to run or lift? How do you stick to your goals when you're traveling, on the road or at a family event? If you're confused, you are not alone. There's a ton of noise out there about this topic, I’m going to share a mix of my personal experience and research to clear up any confusion.
How a Solid Food Vacation Can Help Office Athletes
I see you searching Google trying to find out how to get back to your peak performance and feel good. I know because I spent years doing the same thing and I learned there is no magic pill, or overnight fix…no matter what a program promises you. You need to re-learn how to eat, move, and breathe. Which is why is a Solid Food Vacation is perfect for former athletes, here's a few ways!
Understanding Insulin Resistance | What it is and How it works
In 2018, 88 million American Adults were prediabetic (84% didn’t even know!!), 30-50% will go on to develop Type 2 Diabetes and 80% of them will have Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Insulin resistance plays major role in this. The problem is, many Americans don’t even realize when it’s happening..
Teach People How to Fish Health and Wellness Method
Almost 20% of our money goes into “health” care. If that's the case, then why aren’t we healthier? It’s my mission to coach anyone I can on the pillars of living healthfully, and in prevention mode before they even need to think about dis-ease “management” mode. I call it my “teach people how to fish” method.
Everything You Need to Help You Meditate
Meditation simply means bringing stillness to the mind and calming the chatter. The problem is, it has been made way too complicated throughout the years. But, the only way to meditate wrong is to not do it at all. It really has too many measurable benefits to miss out on. Here are some resources to help you meditate.