I've lost body fat in many ways like counting calories/tracking macros, the carnivore diet, the fruitarian diet, juice and water fasting. While I’m not a doctor, I do fancy myself a scientist because for over a decade, I’ve been studying, researching, testing, and documenting my experiences and I've compiled my most valuable information on the easiest way to drop body fat in this article for you.
What Most Health Gurus Aren't Telling You About How to Burn Fat
Calories don’t tell your body to store or burn fat, hormones do that and if you still don’t know how to leverage your hormones to burn fat then I created a step by step video of how to do just that.
Inside the video, I reveal:
The Ying and Yang hormones to maximize fat-burn
Why the "calories in vs. calories out" model is unsustainable
How your daily eating habits might prevent you from getting into the fat-burning zone
…and much more!
So if you want to become a fat-burning machine, then click below to check out the video and make sure you watch all the way through for the 3 principles that will make this all easier.
How to Live Longer Despite Our Toxic Modern Food Environment
Did you know that the US outspends every other nation on healthcare, yet is #1 in diabetes, #2 in Alzheimer’s, #5 in cancer, and #6 in cardiovascular disease?
Curious to know why? Well, you can find the disturbing answer to that question in this week’s video:
I’m also revealing:
💰 How the healthcare industry prioritizes profits over public health
🔄 Simple, yet effective strategies to reset your system, reclaim energy levels, and improve overall performance
🏠 Practical tips for creating a toxin-free environment to support long-term health benefits
So, click this link to watch the video now!
Three Levels to Master to Live a Long and Healthy Life
If you’ve been struggling to become healthier or are aspiring to, then today, I’m going to share the 3 categories of health and exactly how to improve all three categories for maximized well-being.
Category #1:
The looks aspect. This category is the bodybuilders with big muscles, but typically doesn’t feel good in their own bodies. Which leads me to my next point…
Category #2:
How you feel in your own body. Having high energy levels. This is also where the woo-woo crowd is, with the super spiritual people that lacks a good physique.
Category #3:
Performance. These are the athletes. They perform fantastic, but oftentimes, they’re burning the candle in both ends to perform at that level.
Now, I know that there are some people who only have the aesthetics and performance, then there are some people who feel great and have the performance, and some who have the aesthetics and feel great, but I want YOU to have all three categories unlocked so you can feel great, look good AND also perform at an elite level mentally & physically.
To make this happen, I’ve created a 3-layer pyramid with each layer of its importance to maximizing those 3 categories for optimal well-being.
At the foundation of the pyramid is energy because without it you can’t even get yourself out of bed in the morning, play with your kids, or work properly. So, we have to understand what gives us energy, which are:
#1 : Movement - I’m not talking about lifting heavy weights in the gym, but about natural and rhythmic movements like gardening, walking, or dancing.
#2: Water - Specifically, structured water
#3: Sunenergy
#4: Air - How we breath and interact with air
#5: Food - Specifically, the minerals that keep us going
#6: Laughter - Our love & connection to people
#7: Sleep - Getting proper rest
Now, we also have to be aware of credit energy, which are things that steal energy from the future and is given to us now on credit so we have to pay for it later. These are things like caffeine, alcohol, and processed sugar. They give us energy now, but it’s on credit, so we gotta pay for it later by becoming very tired.
The second layer of the pyramid is consumption… and I’m not talking about the food you eat, because we already covered that in the last step. It’s about what you see, speak, touch, hear and most importantly, our self-talk (the voice in ourselves) because that’s what constructs our self-image and self-believe.
Now, we’ve reached the top of the pyramid which is movement optimization. This is where most people jump to without mastering the first 2 fundamental steps. The worst part is that they don’t even jump to the top of the pyramid correctly. They just start doing all kinds of sports or working out like a little kid high on sugar.
So what optimization of movement really means is…
How you hold you posture
And how you run, throw, and jump
In a nutshell, it’s about your alignment with physics and gravity.
If you’ve made it this far, then you might be a bit overwhelmed or confused about where to even start. The point where all my students inside the CTN Health & Wealth Academy start is with a process called ‘The Gut Right System’ that works regardless if you’re a pro athlete, entrepreneur, or grandma.
This process gives your whole system a proper vacation where you can reset, refresh, repair, rewire, reground and remove. It helps reestablish the gut-brain connection, which are the two gods inside you that will show you the path to improve your well-being because regardless of how perfect your health is, chances are that you’ve believed in certain things that an indoctrinated doctor or so-called “expert” has told you.
So we do this process to get out of our own way and cut the noise.
Now, I want to make it crystal clear that I’m not your typical health guru prescribing what should work the best for you, because we’re all unique. What I’m prescribing is a process to reconnect that gut-brain connection, so YOU know what is best for YOU.
Trust me, when you cut the noise and remove the junk in the system on all levels, you’ll actually become super-clear on what the next step is for you to improve your vitality, look and performance.
I break this down in more detail on my latest YouTube video so go check it out on my channel for more info on mastering these three levels to live a long and happy life.
The Worst Health Tips for Men to Listen to in 2024
If you think pumping iron in the gym is the equivalent to good health, then I’m about to drop a truth bomb on you that might change your perspective on health forever.
Let me ask you a question: Do you think I felt great in this picture? (picture of you with the abs in the gym)
If you said yes, then you’re completely wrong.
See, I followed the traditional advice about health, fitness and wellness:
Eat 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight
Lift heavy weights, do supersets, and drop sets till your joints snap
Take BCAA, creatine, protein powder, and casein
And it left me with:
Serious chronic back pain that made it hard to even stand straight
Gut issues that left me with a bloated gut
Mental struggles like anxiety, depression, and feeling like shit when I woke up
But the worst part is that you might think that I was able to do backflips, run 100 miles, or climb mountains because of the way I looked, but this traditional fitness advice made me super unathletic.So for a few years I went to several doctors, and specialists, and here is what I have learned that skyrocketed my energy, resolved my back pain, and improved my mental and physcial performance.
You see, health, fitness, and wellness are divided into three categories.
Performance - mental sharpness, and great physical performance
Vitality - high energy, longevity, dis-ease free
Aesthetics - your ideal physique for your preferred activities and being happy with the way you look in the mirror
I only had the look, but was heavily lacking with my vitality and performance. In fact, it’s very rare to find someone who’s good in all 3 categories. Usually, you will see many pro athletes and CEO’s who are high performers, but lack vitality and good body image.
And then there’s also the ones who have great vitality but are weak performers and look scrawny. These are also the type of people you never want to have on your side in a fight.
So if I were to give you one thing that would help you improve in all three categories, that most of the health community rarely even talks about then it would be to give your system, not just the body, but also the mind and spirit (mind, body, spirit) a vacation.
Now, I’m not talking about the type of vacation where you’re drinking in Cancun, sightseeing in Rome, or skiing in the alps. I’m talking about giving the system time and resources to recharge, repair, and replenish inside out. But before I reveal how to reset your system to improve your health…
Consider that we:
Eat an average of 70 tons of dehydrated food in our lifetime, which can produce a lot of cellular waste and lead to many diseases
We are constantly on the move and under stress, (you don’t need a PHd to know what stress does to the body)
We eat about a creditcard worth of microplastics every week
Then we follow traditional advice to become healthy by beating ourselves up in a fake environment called a gym
If this is the modern environment most people live in, then it’s almost impossible to improve your health at all.
And that’s why we have to learn how to make our body more resilient and that starts with learning how to give our system a proper vacation to reset, recharge, and replenish.
Personally, I do this regularly to maintain great health and I’ve documented my simple process inside The Gut Right Handbook that I would be happy to give to you for free.
Remember, true well-being doesn’t come from the gym, it begins by giving your mind, body, and spirit the vacation they deserve.
Want more info on the worst health tips to listen to? Check out my video where I break it down even more here!