How a Solid Food Vacation Can Help Office Athletes

I see you searching google trying to find out how to get back to your peak performance, and feel good. You don’t need another program, you need to re-learn how to eat, move, and breathe. I know because I spent years doing the same thing and I learned there is no magic pill, or overnight fix…no matter what a program promises you.

It all comes back to eating in harmony with the environment, moving with intention, and programming the way you breathe. That’s where a Solid Food Vacation (SFV) comes in.

First, we have to ensure that efficiency and effectiveness are our goals in this. The best training can be done with as little time spent training as possible and with as little damage done to the body as possible.

So, why is a Solid Food Vacation beneficial for former athletes trying to bulletproof their bodies? There’s a few ways!

1. Increase efficiency of nutrition- Get as much energy and nutrients from things consumed as possible by

1. cleaning the system to function better

2. Feeding it fuel that goes straight to the blood stream without as much work to breakdown and distribute

2. Increase efficacy- Similar to number #1, but with the addition of an increase in the percentage of fuel used by the body for energy, repair, and rebuild

3. Most athletes are hyper focused on calories and protein - some forget to optimize for the 3 most important things cellular nourishment, cellular repair, cellular detox. Most athletes and especially former athletes are seriously lacking in 1 or 2 of those and SFV helps restore harmony

4. Recalibration of the body - Most former athletes try to eat as if they are still athletes instead of what they are now, office athletes. A SFV allows the body to recalibrate and the athlete can recognize their new needs instead of fulfilling their old ones.

5. Solid Food Vacation (SFV) - This is the time for former athlete to kill bad food habits (which we all have). Training at high-level can cover up lots of bad habits. Then when it’s time to transition to the office, those habits come back to cause problems.

6. Aesthetics - Regardless of what your aesthetic goals are, I’ve found that a SFV cuts the time it takes to achieve those goals in half.

7. Longevity - All dis-ease originates from the gut. You need to pull the body back from normal activity and deep clean the system of cells that are not functioning correctly. Taking a SFV to heal your gut is much like you taking a vacation for your mental health.

8. Quicker Healing Process - You’ll have less injuries and faster recovery from injuries due to increase healthier muscles, ligaments, tendons etc

We haven’t even touched the mental and spiritual benefits yet, that’ll be another post for another day.

If you want to watch the behind the scenes of a Solid Food Vacation Juice Feast then follow me on my TikTok. I’m going to post a ton of content from August juice feast.