Your body will use more energy for digestion than anything else during the course of your life. So, the more efficiently you eat the less energy you will use on digestion. That means you'll have MORE energy to properly eliminate waste, fight viruses and just live life to the fullest.
That’s why mini three day juice cleanses are a big part of my healthy lifestyle. They are a great way to step out of your comfort zone to improve your physical AND mental health. I even host free 3-day juice feasting challenges multiple times a month.
Here’s what one of my 3-day juice feasting challenge looks like so you can be fully prepared.
Juice Feasting Kick-Off Day
First, we’ll start off with a kick-off day. This is when you go grocery shopping, buy your mason jars, break out your juicer and just make sure you have all of the supplies you need to get through the challenge. If you’re doing a juice feast with me, this is when you’d get an invitation to join my Cut The Noise app which is where you will get all the information you need and be tapped into the community.
You’d also receive a calendar invite for the next 3 evenings of juicing. This part is important because it’s how we build community, learn information and do any troubleshooting that may be going on.
When it comes to what you’re taking in, here’s what you should be eating and drinking on kick-off day.
Solid Foods:
Eat mostly mono-fruit meals. This means don’t mix your fruits with anything, even other fruits.
No carbs
No meat
No cooked foods
Drink lots of water, herbal teas, natural coconut water, and juice
No caffeine, sodas, alcohol, processed juices, or other unnecessary liquids
Bone-broth at the end of the night will help with the gut and give you something warm
BIG healthy salad for dinner. No nuts, no meat, and nothing cooked. Here is an example:
Leafy greens (this is your base)
Tomatoes (optional)
Avocado (some fats)
Crisp apple slices (or dried fruits)
Lemon juice (for dressing, if you add more dressing choose wisely, something light)
Salt (Pink Himalayan Salt preferred)
Try it without oil first and preferably
Study Daily Scorecard
I’m going to send you something called the daily scorecard in the APP. Please study it and start checking those items off ASAP. If you don’t know what it means please bring questions for tomorrow’s meeting or ask in the group chat.
The more things you check off the scorecard the better your results will be.
The best way to get this done is with a morning routine and an evening routine where you can stack multiple practices together.
Start your evening routine TONIGHT!
Days One through Three of Juice Feasting:
First Day of Juicing
We are going right in with your liquids so start your morning routine with a 32oz mason jar of your liquid of choice (green juice, coconut water, lemon water). Make sure you “chew” your juices and wait an hour or 2 between juices to allow the body to uptake, especially if this is new for you.
The morning routine could look like this:
Brush mouth/teeth
10 mins of mindful meditation in the sun
The worst sin in this process is not drinking enough liquid (green juices, coconut water, water) You must drink AT LEAST a gallon of juices a day. That is four (4) 32oz mason jars. If your energy is low you could:
Do something fun
Dance to some music
Call a friend / connect with someone
Drink some fruit juice
If you are really really struggling:
Bone broth
Eat some fruit (worst case)
Get a massage or massage your own feet, hands, and colon
Now here’s what your nightly routine will look like.
Nightly routine
Anything you couldn't do in the morning
Show up to the meeting with the camera on
Bring questions and great energy
Go to sleep soon after
This video should cover anything else I may have missed. If you’re ready to take on the challenge to heal your gut sign up for one of my 3-day summer challenges here.