Improving Your Gut Health Naturally

Understanding Gut Health:

Research suggests that most people have up to 8 undigested meals in their gut at any given moment…

No really, the average adult has 5 to 20 pounds of toxic poop in their body rotting away inside their intestines and colon.  Most of this waste contains chemicals that your body rejected but for some reason, you couldn’t flush it out. 

As this builds up you might be feeling bloated, backed up, carrying extra weight around the midsection, excess fatigue, weight gain, slow digestion, IBS, leaky gut syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, eczema, acne, psoriasis, brain fog, focus, and attention issues, migraine, anxiety, and depression.

If you are not producing well-formed stool after each meal then you’re most likely already suffering from toxic buildup and even if you are you may still have a hardened build on the intestinal walls. This is taxing your digestive system, immune system, and overall health. 

It messes with your hormones which mess with how your body process and craves things like sugar--- affecting how it stores excess energy usually as belly fat.

Now, colon disease is on the rise. So much so that they changed the colonoscopy guidelines lowering the screening age from 50 to 45. Doctors from Yale, Harvard, MIT, all agree with the father of western medicine, Hippocrates when he says sickness originates from the gut. 

How to Heal Your Gut:

The most simple way I’ve found to initiate the process of getting clean and helping your body finally start to heal is fasting and feasting. This is where my juice feast comes in.

Juicing is the best application of processing foods. It’s gentle, gives the digestive system a break - while also flooding the body with minerals, enzymes, and nutrients. Juicing can either be done when you need to restore balance to your body, OR it can become a daily ritual for maintaining a harmonious state. 

Some may never workout others may never think about breathing but very few will forget to eat a meal, that’s why my clients start with the gut. 

If you’re interested in participating in one of my free 3-day solid food vacation juice feasts you can sign up right here.