November into December is a tough time for many people when it comes to their weight.
We spend all year building healthy habits – eating well, working out consistently… And along comes November, disrupting our schedule with lots of emphasis on feasting… And we know it’s just Part 1, since December is coming next!
Don’t stress, you can get through it! To help support you, here are 10 easy tips to stay on track this Thanksgiving.
Visualize the day in advance
Where will the meal be? Does the host cause any emotional triggers? Can you anticipate them? If you’re hosting, what mini-dramas can you predict in order to minimize emotional chaos? All of these are huge mental stressors and the more stressed out we get, the more likely we are to cope with the food and alcohol around us.
If you’re a guest, bring a healthy side dish
If you’re hosting, make sure to include plenty of good options for you and your guests. You can still serve the heavy favorites for others who might want them, but you don’t have to be tempted, knowing you have your own treats to enjoy.
Enjoy some heavy foods in moderation if you like
Plan to indulge! If you go into the day telling yourself all heavy food is off limits you’re going to be very stressed out and tempted. Allow yourself to indulge in a few of your favorites without blowing away your gains or freaking out in guilt.
State your gratitude for your healthy habits
It’s very important to be grateful throughout your health journey and the holidays are the perfect time to show gratitude for your health and the new blessings they’ve brought you this year. Don’t forget to say thank you to anyone around you that’s given you support as you’ve navigated this new reality.
Be the designated driver
Being the designated driver for the big day, or for other parties is a great way to avoid adding alcoholic calories to whatever you’re eating which can quickly add up and leave you feeling your absolute worse the next few days.
Plan physical activity for the day
A lot of towns have 5K turkey trots you might want to join. Or tell everyone you want to have a game of flag football before the meal, or to go on a walk through the neighborhood.
Eat wisely throughout the day
What you eat leading up to the meal is just as important as what you eat during it. You may want to consider fasting in the morning (that’s what I do). No matter what you decide, make sure you drink plenty of water to keep your gut hydrated.
Eat slowly at the meal
Digestion starts in the mouth so chewing your food slowly kick starts the digestion process giving your gut more time to do its job. You should also wait 10 minutes before going back for “seconds.” That will give your body time to catch up. Only eat more if you’re hungry – not because Aunt Marge’s casserole is to die for.
Wrap up the day when the time comes
It’s so easy to get guilted into staying longer at a holiday function and the longer you stay, the more opportunity for tempation. If the people you’re with bring you down or make you feel pressured, then politely leave at a discreet time without blaming anyone. Try saying “Thanks everyone. I’ve enjoyed it, and now I really have to go.”
Remember it’s just one day
We put so much pressure on the holidays, but it’s important to remember it’s just one day out of 365 for the year. It’s important to have healthy habit, but you should also be able to enjoy it in health, satisfied with what you ate, without any guilt.