New years is my favorite time of year because I enjoy reflecting, giving thanks for what has happened while planning and anticipating the promise of a new beginning. Not only is 2020 a new year but also a new decade. Most of the time I have tunnel vision so I don’t share what I am up to, but so much has happened. I also have to admit that sometimes I don’t share because of fear of looking bad. I'm going to take a page from 8 Mile and put out my worst moments first so there’s nothing on me. In the last decade, I fell on my face, got up, and celebrated my growth. Join me as I reflect on the top 10 lessons and the top 10 victories of the last decade.
How and why you should Cut The Noise in 2020
First and foremost, when I say Cut the Noise, now you know what I mean. It's all this noise in the world and all this noise in my head that's preventing me from doing the 20% of the things that I need to do to get 80% of the results.
So I started working on this book to document my health and fitness journey back in 2015, 2014 and I wanted to share so that I don't forget some of the things that I've learned along the way. What I started to learn was… if I can do this with health and fitness, why can't I do it in other areas of my life, such as wealth creation and relationships, et cetera? Now at that time, I had student loans, car loan, credit card debt, medical bills, et cetera, you name it, I had it. So I utilized some of the same principles to figure out how to get out of debt, save three to six months of expenses, and then go from there.
Have you ever thought about this?
Saw this the other day…
What do you think? For me, this is just depressing, but exciting. It gave me clarity. I want something different so I have to live differently. BAM! This started me on a journey to seek mentors with demonstrated mastery in a particular area of life including spirituality, purpose, relationships, health, knowledge, resources, and legacy, thus creating a board of personal of advisors. I we should all have a board of personal advisors.
My second relevant point of clarity was a couple of years later when I was struggling at all-time lows in all areas of life. I realized that I need a community beyond my geographic location. I hope that by sharing my journey, this blog will attract a community of go-givers striving to live with passion and purpose. If this is you, please read, subscribe, and invite a friend. Want a free transformation session with me? Send me a message. I’d love to chat.